Waking Up the Senses THURS 4/22 6-8pm
sensual exploration
Service Description
Pleasure is well within our reach. With a sensate focus, we practice attuning to the pleasure receptors in each of our earthly senses, noticing how our sense of time effects our ability to access pleasure. Mindfully staying in our present moment experience, we explore the spectrum of sensation with a series of somatic exercises and guided meditations punctuated by songs. Please bring a simple snack, like a piece of fruit or chocolate which we will enjoy together during our taste exploration at the end of the practice. All workshops offered on a sliding scale of $20-$60, NOTAFLOF and Free for BIPOC. Please pay where you feel the most pleasure. You may send your payment to @GretaJanePleasure on Venmo or thegjp@gmail.com on Paypal Thank you for choosing the Pleasure Practice
Contact Details
Georgetown Healing Arts 215 South Orcas Street, Seattle, WA, 89108 USA