In the Field
The field of Somatic Intimacy/Sex Education and Sexological bodywork supports and celebrates
self knowledge, self expression and belonging. There are so many practitioners and resources available to you. Here are a few among many, please take some time and see who and what resonates
for you and your journey.
Intimacy Educators https://www.erospirit.ca/find-a-practitioner/
Sexological Bodyworkers in Seattle http://seattlesex-ed.com/find-a-practitioner
Katie Spataro, Sacred Womb Services https://www.sacredwombservices.com
Kat Kamp, Embodying Bliss https://www.embodyingbliss.com
Carey French, Embodied Consent https://www.embodiedconsent.com
Garland Jarmon www.SpiritualEros.com
Rahi Chun https://somaticsexualwholeness.com
Science for Sexual Happiness by Caffyn Jesse https://www.erospirit.ca/books/science-for-sexual-happiness/
The Art of Giving and Receiving by Betty Martin with Robyn Dalzen https://www.erospirit.ca/elements-of-intimacy/
Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D https://www.emilynagoski.com/home
The Body is Not and Apology https://www.sonyareneetaylor.com/books
Elements of Intimacy by Caffyn Jesse https://www.erospirit.ca/elements-of-intimacy/
Videos and podcasts
Wheel of Consent https://bettymartin.org/videos/
Bespoken Bones https://bespokenbones.com
Organic Sexuality Podcast https://somaticsexualwholeness.com/podcast/